Reflexologys Role in Fertility, Maternity, & Babes

Fertility & Conception

Regular Reflexology treatments calm stress responses and increase circulation, and are thought to work by encouraging homeostasis (biochemical balance) throughout the body.

With regular reflexology, many women report that their menstrual cycles regulate, which is just one sign of it working to balance the body.

Trying to conceive can be a stressful time for both partners. Reflexology is deeply relaxing, encourages a general sense of well being, and can help ease these stresses.

Pregnancy support

Reflexology is recommended after the 1st trimester.

Pregnancy can be a stressful time due to psychological and emotional changes as mom prepares for her big journey ahead, and due to hormonal and other physiological changes that her body goes through at this time.

Regular pregnancy reflexology is a more gentle and specifically tailored form of reflexology. It allows mom to relax, and ease into this process of change, feeling more balanced and equipped emotionally and physically for the duration of the pregnancy. Mom is also simply encouraged to make healthy lifestyle choices during this period, to support the growing fetus.

Moms enjoy this pressure point and massage treatment. as it aids circulation and brings great relief to heavy legs and sore feet.

Baby Reflexology

Reflexology with babies is a nurturing & bonding experience.

Babies and children who receive regular reflexology treatments are more likely to be calmer, more content, and deal better with niggling discomforts.

A typical Baby Reflexology session requires the guardians involvement - during which they are taught the reflexology techniques to use at home on their baby.


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* Contact Monica on 076 793 9081 or email