Being strong in Body

Being strong in Mind and Spirit requires that one be physically healthy as well.

No single part of us functions independently, & in complete isolation from the rest of what makes us whole.

Your bodies state of health affects your mental & emotional states, as well as your ability to develop spiritually.

Here are some tips on how to stay healthy in Body, so that you may stay healthy in Mind and Spirit as well:

  1. Eat balanced meals. Make sure you eat some carbohydrate (unrefined), vegetables, fruits, protein & fat (unsaturated and unhydrogenated) every day – Every food group has a different cocktail of nutrients that are vital to the proper functioning of your body.

  2. Eat small regular meals, and stop eating before you are too full - this will keep your blood sugar levels balanced, and your energy levels constant. It will also help you develop a healthy relationship with food, and is good practice in listening to your body's needs.

  3. Choose whole, unadulterated, unrefined foods where ever possible – herein lies the true energy giving essence of what you eat. Food that has been processed, has had its nutrients stripped away, it's energy depleted, and may even be toxic or harmful.

  4. Avoid foods that make you feel tired, uncomfortable, or out of sorts. Listen to your body and it will serve you well.

  5. Drink 6-8 glasses of water per day – Every cell in the body requires water to function properly. Even 1-2% dehydration impairs health, and often your body feels the effects of dehydration before your thirst mechanism even kicks in. Look out for impaired concentration, & mild headaches. Don't mistake hunger for thirst.

  6. Avoid stimulants. Caffeine, sugar & nicotine are addictive drugs upon which your body becomes dependent. The constant use of stimulants causes the overproduction, and eventual depletion of natural biochemical responses. What goes up must come down.

  7. Exercise (3 or more times a week). Find a physical activity that you enjoy doing, and do it regularly. This improves physical, mental and emotional health, and helps prevent or manage many major diseases. 

Changing your lifestyle by incorporating any one of the above mentioned steps, will benefit you to some degree, however, remember that every single one of these pointers are actually essential to achieving an optimally healthy body (and therefore a healthy mind & spirit as well).